
Tuesday 3 August 2010

Benefit 'YOU REBEL' Tinted Moisturiser

I am a recent discoverer and convert to benefit. I mean I knew it existed but for some reason I would just walk past the counters. Even when I was Honeymooning in San Francisco, the home of benefit, I remained blissfully unaware.

Well now I have discovered its - ahem - benefits, I cannot stop popping by my local counter in my parent's home town and I am lucky to have a benefit store in my nearest town too.
So, a couple of Saturday's ago I popped in and met some lovely ladies who were only too happy to help me whilst I was browsing. I thought, with all these sunny days I would like to have a lighter foundation so my gaze wandered to the you rebel tinted moisturiser. The girl offered to do a quick make over with it and - well for the purposes of the blog - I thought "why not"....
I have to say I was rather impressed with it and parted with my cash there and then, and I even took a picture of the results:

It is not the best picture as it was taken on my mobile and it was a very bright sunny day.

It was applied with a foundation brush which I thought I could replicate at home as I have one too, and found that it went on very easily but also gave good coverage when applied with fingertips.

It gives really good coverage for a tint and is moisturising - which makes a change as I did try one recently that was quite drying on the skin - and it has the added bonus of a SPF15. The one thing I would say is, it is probably best not to use the benefit primer underneath as when I tried it with it,  my face was very very shiny - not a good look at all. I also found that when applied, the tint gives a welcoming cooling sensation which I imagine will be nice when used on holiday in the heat. It lasts well too - which is a must in my book.

The cooling sensation could be the aloe vera but I am not sure. It also contains the Vitamins A and E, all good stuff!

Benefit 'YOU REBEL' comes in two versions - Original and Lite (Lite is the one I purchased) and costs £21.50 for 50mls which I think is very reasonable.


  1. I really like benefit it is quite pricey but when you buy it you see it lasts a long time so well worth the money. I use You rebel as part of my day to day makeup although picked up the wrong one last time with the light as I usually go for original which gives you a slight glow and if you get a tan you can add more to get the colour right meaing you don't need lots of different foundations to take on holiday.
    Nice write up on one of my favourite products!

  2. Thanks Sadiebelle, good tip :-)
    I will be using my bronzer to warm it up a little


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