When I heard that Lancome had a new foundation out and you could pick up a 7 day sample at a Lancome counter - guess who headed down to her nearest counter to pick one up - Yes, yours truly. The experience was fun actually, the lovely lady at the counter was new so was desperately trying to find a pot to put my sample in, opening every draw (there were loads) and getting quite flustered and apologetic in the process! She also did make it clear that they only had a few shades to give testers of (3). Once she found me a pot, she suggested I tried shade 01. Which is fine with me as I warm up with a bit of bronzer. The lady asked if I would like to sign up to their newsletter - no problem and then proceeded to tell me all about Genifique - another new product and thrust a promotional leaflet in my hand with info on it.
Teint Miracle is marketed as Lancome's first foundation which recreates the aura of perfect skin. Instantly complexion feels naturally bare, beautifully flawless and luminous, as if lit from within, hydrating for 18 hours. Suitable for all skin types.

It was the perfect match for my skin tone. It is bright, flawless and glowy without being too dewy. It covers up my pores, so I don't need a separate product to do that. It feels so light like you have nothing on your face at all. I also found it easy to apply and blend. Lasts all day and coverage is adjustable too. Just amazing with the added bonus of SPF15. I feel so confident that I just beam all day and all evening :-) - see my beaming face.
So as soon as the Chanel is finished I will be heading back to the Lancome Counter to pick up a bottle of this fantastic liquid foundation.
I know, I feel like a traitor.......but this is too good to ignore!
Teint Miracle is available from your nearest Lancome Counter priced at £25 for 30mls and is available in 7 shades.
Have you tried it ? What did you think?
Yes, I agree, it is amazing make up!!! I got no.3 and its match to my skin perfectly...