
Monday 6 December 2010

Precious - The New Collection from Orly

I have never tried Orly but have heard some good things about them so am curious to try. Pictured above is the new Spring collection from Orly.

The precious collection takes inspiration from the the French Revolution! - pictured from left to right is Pure Porcelain, Gilded Coral, Fancy Fuchsia, Ancient Jade, Sapphire Silk and Royal Velvet. I feel this is a real sumptuous collection.

I am rather taken and looking forward to having a look at the Pure Porcelain and Gilded Coral - easy to wear spring colours...Which ones have grabbed your attention?

These will be available from January 2011 and are priced £8.75 from

1 comment:

  1. ohh pretty!!

    I love the Fancy Fuchsia, Ancient Jade from the picture, will have to try to pick these up!! x


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