
Tuesday 25 October 2011

A -Z About Me

A-Z About Me

I read an A-Z About Me on my friend Vic's blog. Even though we have known each ever since we were five years old, I still managed to learn plenty of new things about her!

A - Age – 34 although in my head and body I still feel like I am 24!

B - Best holiday – I changed this question from type of bed to best holiday.. My best holiday was my honeymoon to Las Vegas, Hawaii and San Francisco. 3 completely different fabulous locations with my dream man. I couldn't have asked for anything else.

C - Chores you hate – I hate ironing but I love washing up.

D - Dogs – I don't really do animals so have never had a pet of my own BUT my sister has a dog at the family home.

E - Essential start to your day – Cleanse, tone and moisturise

F - Favourite colour – I love purple, my bedroom at home had purple walls, carpet and bed cover. When I moved into my own house I painted the bedroom magnolia.. After sleeping there the first night I woke up and found myself looking at a creamy white haze, I thought I had died and gone to heaven, literally!

G - Gold or silver – I like all Jewellery materials but my rings are platinum

H - Height – A tiny 4ft 11 but I make up for it with my voice.

I - Instruments you play – I play the piano, as it lives at my parent's house I am a bit rusty.

J - Job title – My last official title was International Product Manager. Now I am a blogger and proof reader 

K - Kids – One boy

L - Live – I am a north Londoner at heart but I currently live in Essex.

M - Mother's name – Joy

N - Nickname - None, I am always Bettina 

O - Overnight hospital stays – Sadly quite a few!

P - Pet Peeves – Rudeness, bullying and inconsiderate people.

Q - Quote from a film – 'You had me at Hello' - from Jerry McGuire

R - Right or left handed - Right

S - Siblings – Two brothers, one sister

T - Time you wake up – 7.3am . I don't tend to fall asleep to near 1am.

U - Underwear – Yes I do wear it

V - Vegetable you hate – I really cannot stand Brussel sprouts. They taste nasty and bitter, and nothing will change my mind about them.

W - What makes you run late – Problems on transport or traffic jams, dilly dallying from the 3 yr old

X - X-rays you've had – I have had them on my knee, and after a road accident where a double decker bus ploughed into our car.

Y - Yummy food you make – Nigella's Champagne risotto and for dessert panna cottas and chocolate brownies...

Z - Zoo animal – My favourite zoo animals are Giraffes, they are so tall and stunning.  I wish I was the same!

Feel free to copy and paste your answers on your blog!


  1. Funny how some of our answers are the same! Actually, I don't mind washing up either... Thanks for the link:) xx

  2. Loved this.
    Hope you don't mind if I reuse?!


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