
Tuesday 26 February 2013

The Body Shop Hemp Hand Protector - Review

Every Winter my husband suffers from chapped hands. His lovely soft hands become very dry, rough and scaly. Quite often they split and bleed particularly between the knuckles. The condition is so bad his hands resemble the hands of someone far beyond his years. Recently they looked so awful that even one of his friends felt he had to comment on the state of them!

I try to get him to use moisturiser, occasionally he will reluctantly try something, and whilst it may work for a short while (a couple of hours), they soon become very dry again. When I mentioned that I had been sent a hand cream suitable for very dry skin to review and that it was rather pointless me trying it as I don't suffer from dry hands he did offer to give it a go.

The Body Shop Hemp Hand Protector 

The Body Shop say 

Our best-selling Hemp Hand Protector helps soften and protect hands. It is dermatologically tested for very dry skin and contains Community Trade hemp seed oil.
Relieves very dry skin
Restores moisture and suppleness

My thoughts (husband's thoughts)

First of all I think the fact that the packaging wasn't at all "girly" convinced him to try the product. The scent is subtle and herbal (again not 'girly'). This is a thick cream that melts into the skin, is non greasy leaving hands wonderfully soft instantly. However.. the brilliance of the Hemp Hand Protector is that hands remain like this ALL DAY. Used twice a day my husband's hands have been TRANSFORMED and restored to pre Winter hands. I make no apologies for the capitals, this is a product worth shouting about.

Bottom line: This works!

The Body Shop Hemp Hand Protector costs £10 for 100ml 

*PR Sample

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