
Tuesday 9 July 2013

Beauty With Bettina - A Lasting Look - Makeup That Lasts!

July's issue of iN Mag is a special Duke Of Essex Polo bumper edition. 

With Summer heralding plenty of event invitations, many of them being outdoors taking full advantage of the glorious weather (yes we are having some! Heatwave anyone?), you will be wanting to keep your make up in place.This month I have handpicked some great products to ensure you will remain looking fresh from morning till night, whatever the weather :-)

Click here to read my beauty page in this month's magazine.


  1. Claire Mathieson10 July 2013 at 09:18

    When I click on the link I just get a dark blue/grey page, sorry Bettina :( x

    1. Have you tried waiting a few seconds to load..when I click it does the same but then loads the page :-)


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