
Monday 5 August 2013

Are Jelly Shoes Set For A Fashion Return?

The humble Jelly Shoe, I spent many a happy childhood Summer on the beach in my Jelly Shoes. I remember having pretty opaque red ones, white ones and black, however once I got to a certain age I consigned them to the history bin.. I also seem to remember a time when they featured a ghastly chunky, clunky heel. I much preferred the flat version.

I was rather surprised when my 26yr old highly fashionable and trendy sister bought this pair of clear jellies from New Look for £10 this Summer and then declared them the best £10 ever spent!

The Pros 

Airy and cool
Go with everything
Easy to clean, can go into the water wearing them
Ideal for beach and pool - rinse out sand in seconds.
Fab on pebbly beaches - hello Brighton
Great for sight seeing trips - My sister walked up Mount Versuvius Volcano and whilst it was difficult it would have been so much harder in flip flops.

The Cons

They are Jelly Shoes

So what do you think? Would you wear them or are they being left firmly in your childhood.

I have to say I cannot for the life of me wear flip flops so I am very tempted to purchase a pair. So it is a big thumbs up from me!


  1. I absolutely love my jelly shoes!! They are so comfy, I've been living in them all summer xx

  2. I always loved mine when I was younger but I'm not sure if I could wear them now that I'm older!x


  3. they gave me great big blisters when I wore them as a kid so its a big fat NO from me!! x

  4. I loved mine when I was a
    They are ideal summer shoes....

  5. I wore them as a kid, but I don't know how I would feel going out in them as an adult... undecided!


  6. Only if they are fluorescent green to match my fluorescent green jelly bracelets! (Just kidding)

    I enjoyed them first time round in the 80's so I don't need to revisit them again. I can understand the appeal though!

  7. I picked up some jelly ballerina pumps for going on the beach with. They were from the kids section, which made me feel even more childish for buying them! Lol.
    i say, whatever floats your boat, we're all unique!


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