Wednesday, October 16, 2013

BCA Campaign 2013 - We're Stronger Together - Circle Of Strength

At the beginning of the month I had the pleasure of attending the launch of Estee Lauder's Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign for 2013. By now we are all well aware (or should be!) of the significance of the Pink Ribbon that was co created with Evelyn H Lauder and founder of The Breast Cancer Research Foundation that has raised millions for and raised awareness of Breast Cancer. Evelyn Lauder's aim was to help prevent and cure breast cancer in our lifetime.

I listened as Elizabeth Hurley spoke about the great work that has already been done, I listened as leading Professors from the Royal Marsden spoke about how the money raised has directly benefited research at the Hospital in term helping sufferers. However, the underlying message was that although so much has been achieved so far there is so much more to be done.

Since 1994 The Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign has donated $38 million to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation. The BCRF has raised more than $450 million to date. I learned that an incredible 91 cents of every dollar goes directly to research and awareness. The BCRF does outstanding work in helping to save lines and improve the quality of care and survivorship for breast cancer patients through research worldwide.

2013's campaign goes that one step further - it is not just about raising money and awareness, now it is all about taking action. Strength in  Numbers encourages us to create a Circle of Strength - with friends and loved ones and spurring each other on to take action together or support each other to defeat breast cancer

Get annual mammograms at 40 or earlier if you are high risk.

Make healthy lifestyle changes

Raise funds for BCRF

Share inspiring, meaningful stories at

Tweet or Instagram your support using #BCAStrength

8 Ways to Defeat Breast Cancer 

Early detection and simple lifestyle changes can help save lives

1. Examine your breasts regularly and report any changes to your physician/doctor.

2. See your doctor regularly for breast exams in your 20s and 30s.

3. Get annual mammograms at 40, or earlier if you are high risk.

4. Eat fibre and antioxidant rich fruits and vegetables.

5. Maintain a healthy weight. Extra weight means extra risk.

6. Limit your alcohol intake.

7. Do not smoke and quit if you do.

8. Get at least 45 minutes of physical activity daily.

So.. who will be in your circle of strength?


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