
Wednesday 29 April 2015

Cleansing Milk Blind Trial - The Results Are in!

Back in March I took part in the Cleansing Milk Blind Trial along with 99 other beauty lovers. Seven cleansing milks were put into pots and labelled from A-G so we weren't influenced by brand names. Those taking part set to work testing them out (the fun part) and then all the results and our thoughts were recorded by a survey that we had to fill in.

The brands taking part (in no particular order) were -

La Roche-Posay

I had a few that I really liked, A & B were great and one that I LOVED and would buy without a shadow of a doubt - Sample G (good things come to those who wait!)

So I was itching to find out which one was my favourite, thankfully I didn't have too long to wait.

The results can be found here

My favourite, and it turns out, the overall winner, turned out to be La Roche -Posay Physiological Cleansing Milk - paraben free and suitable for dry to very dry sensitive skin.

Personally, I don't have dry skin but at the time I was taking part in the trial I was suffering from quite a patches of facial psoriasis. This meant that I had to avoid anything too harsh. This fitted the bill perfectly, skin felt clean and gorgeously soft and most importantly not irritated. A winner in my book.

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