Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Flash Fiction - The Bully

My 100 word flash fiction story using this photo prompt

Image courtesy of Ted Strutz

The Bully 

‘It’s too cold!’ Mollie screamed, dipping her big toe tentatively into the water.

‘Don’t be a sissy, you know the rules. That is IF you want to be in our gang?’

Fred pushed Mollie into the water and laughed sinisterly…caught unawares, she lost her footing and became submerged completely. ‘I hate you Fred’ Mollie coughed and spluttered.

Hidden in the bushes, four other children looked on wide-eyed, how brave she was.

Mollie, no longer cold, admired her new perspective. Empowered, she climbed aboard the chair.

She had beaten the bully, ‘Your turn Fred’

He turned and ran. Stupid little brother.

Hope you enjoyed this story
Bettina x

*This is the first time I have taken part in the Friday Fictioneers 100 word story photo prompt... you can read the other stories here


  1. Well done Mollie. Enjoyed this and you captured childhood very well. Iain.

  2. Dear Bettina,

    Mollie's a winner. Welcome to Friday Fictioneers.



  3. I like a girl with attitude. Welcome.

  4. I did enjoy it, Bettina. Nice take.


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