Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Flash Fiction - The Pearly Gates

My 100 word story using this photo prompt

PHOTO PROMPT © J Hardy Carroll

Two pert little button noses poked through the railings, one set of eyes wide with amazement.

‘Is that it?’ whispered Katie.

‘Yup, that’s it’ Tom whispered back with certainty.

Katie wrinkled her nose ‘That’s Heaven, where God lives?’ The little girl was sceptical. She ran the tips of her fingers along the rusty gates. ‘But these gates are not pearly and where are the angels?’

Tom shrugged ‘Dunno, maybe they were pearly once.’

The door opened and out scurried two cloaked figures dressed in white. An old man, bearded, with white hair waved from a window.

‘Angels, GOD’ Katie breathed.

Hope you enjoyed the story
Bettina X

If you wish to read more stories from this week's prompt - click here


  1. Love this, kids imaginations are really realistic.

  2. Sweet. Love the voice of the children, their matter-of-fact tones.

  3. Seems older siblings are always having to explain these vital facts to younger ones. (Even if a bit of fiction gets tossed in.)

    1. Ha ha yes, being an older sibling I may or may not have told the complete truth ;)

  4. Children and writers both have powerful imaginations, well done

  5. When I was little I thought God was the preacher in the white church down town where my grandparents attended. He used to sit behind the puplit until service started and then "magically" arise out of it with a booming voice.


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