Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Flash Fiction - Summer Picnic

This week's 100 word story - based on this picture prompt

PHOTO PROMPT © Roger Bulltot

Summer Picnic

With the sun shining and the sky clear, it was a beautiful day to go exploring. Jenny appreciated Martha’s skill in seeking out historic ruins, and this one was indeed quite a stunning spot to enjoy their summer picnic. Jenny’s eyes started streaming, the sensation of grit spoiling her fun, this was swiftly followed by an itch in her nose, culminating in incessant sneezing. She knew this grass would be trouble. Hayfever.

‘Apparently this was a smallpox hospital.’

‘What, you mean it wasn’t a castle?’

Martha howled with laughter ‘NO!’

Jenny clutched her churning stomach, feverish she began to hallucinate.

Hope you enjoyed this story 
Bettina x

*Thanks to Rochelle as always for the picture prompt. If you would like to read more stories based on this picture prompt click here 


  1. Wait until the rash begins to appear. :(

  2. Dear Bettina,

    That's one heck of a reaction Jenny had. I'd be outta there. Nicely done.



  3. Yikes, hayfever is bad enough - imagine small pox could be caught the same way!

  4. Remarkable how strong the power of suggestion can be! Nice, fluent tale, Bettina.

  5. Oh this does not bode well at all!

  6. Wonder how long small pox can live out of the body? I know that in York UK there is a cholera burial pit, still cordoned off because even after over 100 years people thought if the ground was disturbed they might catch the disease.
    Creepy tale and nicely told

  7. Don't worry Jenny, at least it's not bigpox! Great little tale Bettina.

    Click to read my FriFic

  8. Enjoyed this. Nice take on the prompt!

  9. I bet her skin is starting to itch. Nicely written, Bettina.

  10. very well written , Bettina. 🙂

  11. OMG I hope Jenny doesnt get too sick.
    Nice take on the picture

    Click Here to see what Mrs. Dash Says

  12. Well done. Great idea and well executed.
    xx Rowena

  13. Allergies and imagination, I think she'll be very miserable for a while. Good story.


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