Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Flash Fiction - Barren Land

This week's 100 word story based on the following picture prompt.

© Connie Gayer

Barren Land

Karla wailed into her tissue, the pain too much to keep inside, she had long stopped holding back her true feelings. She had done everything to the letter, everything the so-called experts had advised her to do. She didn’t drink, had never taken drugs, never smoked. Changed her diet, made sure she took her multivitamins, reduced her stress with Pilates and even tried acupuncture. The prescribed drugs had failed, except send her over the edge and place her marriage on the brink. Too late now, her womb barren land, her body beaten, yearning for what was not meant to be. 

Bettina x

* Thank you to Rochelle for this week's picture prompt, if you would like to read more stories based on this picture, click here 


  1. Dear Bettina,

    So much story in so few words. Unique take on the prompt. Well done.



  2. There's a lifetime of yearning in that story. Well done.

  3. So sad... wonder if we lay too much burden on ourselves sometimes.

  4. Wow! You've taken a photo of land being dug and turned it into a remarkable story about a woman's pain. Brilliant take on the prompt.

    Susan A Eames at
    Travel, Fiction and Photos

  5. Oh my goodness, what a sorrowful tale. Well done Bettina.

    Click to read my FriFic tale

  6. Such a sad story, denied the thing she most wants.

  7. Well told. A lot of women can identify.

  8. Well done indeed, Bettina. So much in so few words... I feel her pain.


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